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Twelve Fundaments of Astronism

Written by Astronist Institution

Edited by the Astronological Journal

The Twelve Fundaments of Astronism, also simply known as the Great Fundaments, are a series of twelve statements that encapsulate the soteriology of Astronism and more broadly provide the narrative that establishes Astronism, namely its purpose and goals.

  1. The astronomical world is the primary existential source.

  2. Cosmocentrism is established because of this status of the astronomical world as being the existential source.

  3. The emotion of astronality –– especially the attachment of beliefs to outer space –– is a product of human focus on the stars (cosmocentrism).

  4. Experiencing astronality establishes a relationship between humanity and the astronomical world (sidereancy).

  5. These relations began with the Scope of Man –– humanity’s transition to sapience –– due to humanity’s first “raising of the head starward.”

  6. The Scope of Man and its subsequences mark the realisation of humanity’s rare –– yet not unique –– preferment or “chosen status” in The Cosmos.

  7. However, humanity’s self-concern and self-worship, or any instance of aversion to cosmocentrism (including persecution of the Astronic tradition), ignited the Controversion.

  8. The Controversion represents all the times in history when humanity has regarded itself as the ultimation, thus dislodging its sidereancy into a state of Antipode (ignorance to the astronomical world as the existential source).

  9. Astronism is established to repair the “scars” on humanity’s sidereancy caused by the Controversion through its “placement of man” which entails humanity’s subsumption into the astronomical world.

  10. This placing of man allows for the conferments of scope, stellancy and astronality to be rediscovered, then giving humans individually and humanity as a whole, the opportunity to decide whether or not to attain transcension (salvation by means of the astronomical world) during the period of Twilightide, leading either to humankind’s elevation or its devolution.

  11. Upon humanity’s achievement of transcension, the opportunity to then realise the Ultimation (ascendence from cosmos or transcosmisation) will be unlocked.

  12. Scope is inherent to all sapient species; Astronists must spread this “message of opportunity” to all receptive beings in The Cosmos in order for interspecific impartation (or exonism) to take place and to allow at least one species to attain the Ultimation.

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This article was written by a working staff member with editorial powers within the Astronist Institution. The accuracy, validity and integrity of the contents of this article is supervised by working members of the Astronological Journal which is the academic journal appointed responsibilities of scholarship for the discipline of study to which the subject of this article is associated.

To learn more about the Astronological Journal, click here.

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Existences of the Astronic cosmology

Astronist practices

 Governance of Astronism

Figures of Astronism

Disciplines of Astronism

Canon of Astronism

Main Astronist concepts and beliefs

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Devotional (Devotology)

General forms

Cosmic Devotion · Mutual devotion · Cosmomancy · Astrolatry · Astromancy


Specific forms

Retination · Stardance · Starsleeping · 

Astrophotography · Astronomical commemoration

Physical and mental

Astration · Astromeditation · Cosmopiry

Revelatory, intellectual and philosophic

Personal inspiration · Indrucy · Astrologue

 · Debatation


Extollatory (Extollogy)
Extollation · Celestification · Cometanisation


Activities (Occurrology)





Intosy · Panosy

Public, sopharial or phrontisterial

Astronomy tourism · Cosmogosy · Phrontistas 

· Starball · Philosophic tourism · Sempition · 

Orreration · Holographic show

Festivals and events
Starlight Festival (Stellara · Kintana · The Starlight Council) · Starlight social · Astrofair · Astroprom 

· Stargazing · Starguild · Starparty · Theatrosy


Either individual, private or public

Astronomical observation · Astrocrafts · 

Astroexercise · Starbathing · Moonbathing · 

Stardown · Starjam · Starnight · Starwalk · 

Sungrazing · Philosophers' camp


Related terms


The Vendox is the most well known symbol of Astronism.

Forms of Astronism

Geography of Astronism

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